Tag Archives: meetup

Scala Meetup: an open source event analytics platform

It was a crackin’ meetup. Alex Dean talked about an open source event analytics platform. It’s built on Scalding as a MapReducer with Scalaz, Spray and ScalaCheck. These are the main scala technologies in the project. Alex talked about the business model. So it’s an open source project and as usual there is a business support on the Snosplow’s side.

There is the GitHub page: https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow

I have to paste the scalding’s logo, because that’s really cool:


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Meet a Java project

I’m going to be a Meetup junkie. London is brilliant and full of tech meetups. I’ve missed some London Java Community events in the last few weeks. It was a huge mistake. Luckily I’ve cached the last one. Meet a Project was the event’s name. There we had Mani who talked about OpenJDK related community projects like Adopt OpenJDK and Adopt a JSR. I don’t know which one is the more important. I’m trying to figure out. Dealing JSRs looks more exciting for me.

The London Java Community has an important part of the Adopt a JSR project. Here is a list of them: https://java.net/projects/ljc-london-jug/pages/AdoptAJSRProgram

Incomplete JSRs:

I’d like to choose some of them, driving inside these JSRs, and helping the community. As Mani’s mentioned it: This programme impacts ~10 million developers & over 1 Billion end users!

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